About haiku on www.mohager.nu
Since May 2001, I have published my haiku poetry on the Internet - a web as well as a wap site.
Yes, I know: some of these poems break the rigorous rules of haikus; for those of you that are offended by this I apologize. For those of you that are able to see beyond: I thank you.
The ambition is to update the site with 2-3 poems a week. But inspiration doesn't always come when you want it to - or rather, those are the times when it is most certain to not show up. When you try too much. Instead, you must calm yourself, purge your mind, and just wait. When there is nothing at all the poetry comes flowing, un-noticeable, and you are surprised yourself of what you have written.
This way, compising poems becomes a way to freedom; freedom from demands, from goals, from desire and longing - true freedom.
Ulf M.