Haiku links
Do you want to know more about haiku? These are some of my favourite links. There are a lot of other great sites as well... (All links open in new windows.)
Link collections
Two sites with lots and lots of links:
Mark Alan Osterhaus has put together one of the largest collections of links.
Michael Rehling - on Haikuhut.
More about haiku
Haiku e-zines
Short Stuff - magazin for short poems - haiku, senryu, tanka; also photo-haiku.
Simply Haiku - e-magazin published by Robert Wilson
The Heron's nest
A few other sites, poet presentations and meeting places
Crossing Rivers - Rosemary J. Gwaltneys web site with haiku, tanka and other poetry.
haikuhut.com - a good place to start; a meeting place for haiku poets through their forum